About Transform Marketplace Radicals

Transform Marketplace Radicals is a SEC-registered, non-profit organization committed to create a positive impact to the nation as we move to influence in the government, education and business sectors. We are committed to empower, train and equip world-class leaders to become agents of change in their respective areas of influence.

“Transform Marketplace Radicals”, brought to you by professionals and business people was established because of our desire to make a difference in the marketplace, most especially in Education, Government, and the Business world. The fact is that the human heart really has the desire for change, in our family, community, society, and in our Nation. We strongly believe that the marketplace, which is the so-called 7 mountains, has a great influence on the change that we long for in our Nation.

In order for the transformation to take place, we need to help one person at a time by letting them understand their purpose in life, giving them Vision to see where they should go, and by helping them find meaning in everything that they do. This will give them a sense of mission and a sense of direction that will direct their passions to a life worth dying for.

As people engaged in the world, we both went through the process of self-discovery from being broken and bankrupt because we were ignorant of what can truly give us a satisfying and fulfilling life. We were helplessly looking for something that will make us happy, but only to realize that the moment we discovered who we are and why we were created, then we started to enjoy life. Indeed, we began to see the potentials built in us when God created us. We started to discover and develop those gifts hidden in us, and shared them to the world.


President & Chairwoman of TMR

This is what we experienced, from nothing to something. There is an awakening in our hearts, firing up our passion to see people in the marketplace change their perspective into a mindset of being created for a purpose and a destiny. Success is not just about wealth accumulation, career advancement, having a good family nor a good business, but it is how you serve your gifting and talents to the world and being able to help others become successful as well.

When you are able to see that greatness in you and start to serve it to the world, you will surely create an impact and people will be attracted to you, and you will be able to influence them with your success. When we have success, we have the voice to influence others to make a difference in our world according to the original intent of our Maker. This is the very reason why we exist.

Meet the TMR Team

Roy Oliveros


Rochel Oliveros


Jose Carlos Valencia


Ella May Suan

Head Coordinator

Christine Jipos

Treasurer & Auditor

Argie Bujawe

Web Developer & Multimedia Head

Jennelyn Jurial

Registration Head

Yola Karizza Noval

Content Writer & Social Media Marketer

Maria Gwenevere Suribas

Chief Communication Officer

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